class: left, bottom, inverse, title-slide # GIS and mapping ## A workshop on GIS and mapping with R: part 1 ### Robin Lovelace & Jakub Nowosad --- <!-- Ideas: --> <!-- - Exploring data structures based on NZ examples --> <!-- - Intro to vector data with nz --> <!-- - Non spatial operations --> <!-- - Spatial operations e.g. spatial subsetting --> <!-- - Questions from the book --> <!-- - Getting data into R: --> <!-- - Directly reading in from url --> <!-- - OSM data with osmdata and `osmextract` packages --> <!-- - Advanced: transport data based on the transport chapter --> # Getting and downloading data .pull-left[ ## Schedule 09:00 - 09:05 Set-up and overview 09:05 - 09:20 Demonstration of getting data <!-- (I do) --> 09:20 - 09:35 Getting started with getting and exploring data from New Zealand <!-- (we do) --> 09:35 - 09:55 Working through the questions <!-- you do --> 09:55 - 10:00 Break and preparation for visualisation section 10:00 - 11:00 Data visualisation workshop ] -- .pull-right[ ## Learning outcomes ### Get data 'shipped' with packages ### Get data from data provider packages ### Get data from OSM ### Get data from websites ] --- # Setup: Packages we'll be using .pull-left[ - [spData]( contains example spatial datasets - [osmdata]( gets small OpenStreetMap (OSM) datasets - [osmextract]( gets large OSM datasets - [nzelect]( gets official voting data from New Zealand <img src="" width="50%" /><img src="" width="50%" /> ] .pull-right[ ```r # Install packages # install.packages("remotes") # you'll need the remotes package pkgs = c( "spData", "osmdata", "osmextract", "nzelect" ) ``` ```r remotes::install_cran(pkgs) ``` ```r library(osmextract) # Data (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. # Check the package website,, for more details. ``` ] --- # Getting data that 'ship' with packages .left-column[ ## Why use example datasets? - Reproducibility - Avoid sharing sensitive data <!-- - Speed of execution --> <!-- Documentation --> - Any other reasons? <!-- Encourages generalisation of code to work with multiple datasetsm --> ] ```r # ?datasets # library(help = "datasets") # lots of great example datasets, use them! world_phones_new = datasets::WorldPhones class(world_phones_new) ``` ``` ## [1] "matrix" "array" ``` ```r class(spData::nz) ``` ``` ## [1] "sf" "data.frame" ``` -- ### Documenting datasets See -- ### Exercise Take a look at the help for `datasets` and plot two examples. --- # Plotting air passengers ```r ?AirPassengers ``` ```r AirPassengers ``` ``` ## Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ## 1949 112 118 132 129 121 135 148 148 136 119 104 118 ## 1950 115 126 141 135 125 149 170 170 158 133 114 140 ## 1951 145 150 178 163 172 178 199 199 184 162 146 166 ## 1952 171 180 193 181 183 218 230 242 209 191 172 194 ## 1953 196 196 236 235 229 243 264 272 237 211 180 201 ## 1954 204 188 235 227 234 264 302 293 259 229 203 229 ## 1955 242 233 267 269 270 315 364 347 312 274 237 278 ## 1956 284 277 317 313 318 374 413 405 355 306 271 306 ## 1957 315 301 356 348 355 422 465 467 404 347 305 336 ## 1958 340 318 362 348 363 435 491 505 404 359 310 337 ## 1959 360 342 406 396 420 472 548 559 463 407 362 405 ## 1960 417 391 419 461 472 535 622 606 508 461 390 432 ``` ```r class(AirPassengers) ``` ``` ## [1] "ts" ``` ```r plot(AirPassengers) ``` <!-- --> --- # A couple of other datasets ```r plot(UKDriverDeaths) plot(CO2) ```  <!-- --- --> <!-- # Joining non-geographic data to geometries --> <!-- Idea: create animation from the WorldPhones dataset --> --- # Getting data from New Zealand I .pull-left[ ```r library(spData) plot(nz) ``` <!-- --> ] .pull-right[ ```r plot(nz$geom) plot(nz_height, add = TRUE) ``` ``` ## Warning in plot.sf(nz_height, add = TRUE): ignoring all but the first attribute ``` <!-- --> ] --- # Getting data from New Zealand II .pull-left[ ```r library(nzelect) # ?voting_places nz_lonlat = sf::st_transform(nz, 4326) names(voting_places) ``` ``` ## [1] "electorate_number" "electorate" ## [3] "voting_place_id" "voting_place_suburb" ## [5] "northing" "easting" ## [7] "longitude" "latitude" ## [9] "voting_place" "election_year" ## [11] "coordinate_system" "TA2014_NAM" ## [13] "REGC2014_N" "AU2014" ## [15] "MB2014" ``` ```r voting_places_sf = sf::st_as_sf(voting_places, coords = c("longitude", "latitude")) ``` ] .pull-right[ ```r plot(sf::st_geometry(nz_lonlat)) plot(voting_places_sf, add = TRUE) ``` ``` ## Warning in plot.sf(voting_places_sf, add = TRUE): ## ignoring all but the first attribute ``` <!-- --> ] --- # Exercise .left-column[ ### Read the documentation on the site ### Install the nzcensus package and use it to plot nz boundaries ] .right-column[  ] --- # Getting data from New Zealand III ```r library(osmdata) ``` ```r schools_nz_osm = opq(bbox = sf::st_bbox(nz_lonlat)) %>% add_osm_feature(key = "amenity", value = "school") %>% osmdata_sf() ``` ```r schools_nz_osm ``` ``` ## Object of class 'osmdata' with: ## $bbox : -47.2828524160058,166.426302914574,-34.4145187168353,178.550373601283 ## $overpass_call : The call submitted to the overpass API ## $meta : metadata including timestamp and version numbers ## $osm_points : 'sf' Simple Features Collection with 28532 points ## $osm_lines : 'sf' Simple Features Collection with 21 linestrings ## $osm_polygons : 'sf' Simple Features Collection with 2532 polygons ## $osm_multilines : NULL ## $osm_multipolygons : 'sf' Simple Features Collection with 15 multipolygons ``` ```r schools_nz_polygons = schools_nz_osm$osm_polygons ``` --- # Working with messy data ```r library(tidyverse) schools_nz_polygons %>% sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% skimr::skim_without_charts() %>% print(include_summary = FALSE) ``` ``` ## ## ── Variable type: character ────────────────────── ## skim_variable n_missing complete_rate ## 1 osm_id 0 1 ## 2 name 126 0.950 ## 3 FIXME 2531 0.000395 ## 4 LINZ2OSM.dataset 2525 0.00276 ## 5 LINZ2OSM.layer 2525 0.00276 ## 6 LINZ2OSM.source_version 2525 0.00276 ## 7 MOE.authority 261 0.897 ## 8 MOE.decile 2481 0.0201 ## 9 MOE.definition 2530 0.000790 ## 10 MOE.gender 264 0.896 ## 11 247 0.902 ## 12 MOE.years 264 0.896 ## 13 accessibility 2531 0.000395 ## 14 1161 0.541 ## 15 2529 0.00118 ## 16 addr.hamlet 2411 0.0478 ## 17 addr.housename 2514 0.00711 ## 18 addr.housenumber 1026 0.595 ## 19 addr.postcode 1118 0.558 ## 20 addr.street 480 0.810 ## 21 addr.suburb 2304 0.0900 ## 22 alt_name 2517 0.00592 ## 23 amenity 25 0.990 ## 24 area 2531 0.000395 ## 25 attribution 2523 0.00355 ## 26 barrier 2527 0.00197 ## 27 building 2518 0.00553 ## 28 building.levels 2531 0.000395 ## 29 building.material 2531 0.000395 ## 30 campus 2529 0.00118 ## 31 capacity 2531 0.000395 ## 32 check_date 2531 0.000395 ## 33 chimney 2531 0.000395 ## 34 contact.facebook 2531 0.000395 ## 35 2531 0.000395 ## 36 date 2531 0.000395 ## 37 denomination 2248 0.112 ## 38 description 2531 0.000395 ## 39 disused 2531 0.000395 ## 40 disused.amenity 2531 0.000395 ## 41 email 2489 0.0170 ## 42 fax 2530 0.000790 ## 43 fixme 2530 0.000790 ## 44 gender 2526 0.00237 ## 45 grades 2268 0.104 ## 46 isced.level 2531 0.000395 ## 47 landuse 2527 0.00197 ## 48 language.mi 2530 0.000790 ## 49 leisure 2529 0.00118 ## 50 linz2osm.objectid 2525 0.00276 ## 51 name.en 2526 0.00237 ## 52 name.ja 2528 0.00158 ## 53 name.mi 2522 0.00395 ## 54 2530 0.000790 ## 55 note 2508 0.00948 ## 56 occupied 2531 0.000395 ## 57 official_name 2530 0.000790 ## 58 old_name 2511 0.00829 ## 59 opening_date 2531 0.000395 ## 60 opening_hours 2529 0.00118 ## 61 operator 2521 0.00434 ## 62 operator.type 2529 0.00118 ## 63 owner 2531 0.000395 ## 64 parking 2531 0.000395 ## 65 phone 979 0.613 ## 66 ref.linz.address_id 2199 0.132 ## 67 religion 2201 0.131 ## 68 roof_pitch 2531 0.000395 ## 69 short_name 2531 0.000395 ## 70 source 2513 0.00750 ## 71 source.geometry 2531 0.000395 ## 72 source_ref 2531 0.000395 ## 73 sport 2530 0.000790 ## 74 start_date 2489 0.0170 ## 75 surface 2530 0.000790 ## 76 website 441 0.826 ## 77 wheelchair 2523 0.00355 ## 78 wikidata 343 0.865 ## 79 wikipedia 2314 0.0861 ## 80 wikipedia.en 2528 0.00158 ## min max empty n_unique whitespace ## 1 7 9 0 2532 0 ## 2 4 68 0 2300 0 ## 3 29 29 0 1 0 ## 4 16 16 0 1 0 ## 5 12 12 0 1 0 ## 6 10 10 0 1 0 ## 7 5 12 0 4 0 ## 8 1 2 0 10 0 ## 9 27 27 0 1 0 ## 10 4 28 0 6 0 ## 11 1 29 0 2245 0 ## 12 3 7 0 24 0 ## 13 3 3 0 1 0 ## 14 4 25 0 294 0 ## 15 2 2 0 1 0 ## 16 4 17 0 117 0 ## 17 1 15 0 17 0 ## 18 1 7 0 524 0 ## 19 4 4 0 555 0 ## 20 6 30 0 1664 0 ## 21 4 20 0 183 0 ## 22 9 35 0 15 0 ## 23 6 6 0 1 0 ## 24 3 3 0 1 0 ## 25 4 108 0 3 0 ## 26 5 5 0 1 0 ## 27 3 6 0 2 0 ## 28 1 1 0 1 0 ## 29 4 4 0 1 0 ## 30 5 6 0 3 0 ## 31 3 3 0 1 0 ## 32 10 10 0 1 0 ## 33 2 2 0 1 0 ## 34 72 72 0 1 0 ## 35 11 11 0 1 0 ## 36 8 8 0 1 0 ## 37 8 21 0 10 0 ## 38 39 39 0 1 0 ## 39 6 6 0 1 0 ## 40 6 6 0 1 0 ## 41 15 40 0 43 0 ## 42 14 14 0 2 0 ## 43 118 188 0 2 0 ## 44 4 6 0 2 0 ## 45 3 4 0 8 0 ## 46 1 1 0 1 0 ## 47 9 11 0 2 0 ## 48 4 4 0 1 0 ## 49 4 13 0 3 0 ## 50 7 7 0 7 0 ## 51 16 28 0 6 0 ## 52 6 10 0 4 0 ## 53 10 25 0 10 0 ## 54 17 21 0 2 0 ## 55 6 99 0 13 0 ## 56 3 3 0 1 0 ## 57 27 45 0 2 0 ## 58 14 32 0 21 0 ## 59 4 4 0 1 0 ## 60 17 49 0 3 0 ## 61 13 37 0 11 0 ## 62 6 10 0 3 0 ## 63 31 31 0 1 0 ## 64 10 10 0 1 0 ## 65 10 17 0 1543 0 ## 66 5 46 0 333 0 ## 67 4 9 0 4 0 ## 68 6 6 0 1 0 ## 69 21 21 0 1 0 ## 70 3 25 0 8 0 ## 71 4 4 0 1 0 ## 72 45 45 0 1 0 ## 73 5 8 0 2 0 ## 74 4 10 0 24 0 ## 75 5 5 0 2 0 ## 76 19 74 0 2073 0 ## 77 3 7 0 2 0 ## 78 7 10 0 2186 0 ## 79 13 48 0 211 0 ## 80 16 28 0 4 0 ``` --- # Selecting variables of interest ```r table(schools_nz_polygons$MOE.years) ``` ``` ## ## 1-10 1-13 1-15 1-5 1-6 1-6\\8 1-8 11-13 12-13 3-13 ## 2 108 2 1 713 1 955 4 1 13 ## 3-8 4-13 5-8 6-10 7-10 7-11 7-13 7-8 7-9 9-11 ## 1 1 1 1 7 1 97 115 1 1 ## 9-12 9-13 9-15 special ## 1 217 2 22 ``` ```r pryr::object_size(schools_nz_polygons) ``` ``` ## 6.92 MB ``` ```r schools_nz_subset = schools_nz_polygons %>% select(osm_id, LINZ2OSM.dataset, MOE.years, name) pryr::object_size(schools_nz_subset) ``` ``` ## 4.59 MB ``` --- # Combining different types of spatial data .pull-left[ ```r osm_combine = function(osm_points, osm_polygons) { require(sf) if(nrow(osm_polygons) > 0) { # deduplicate points osm_points_in_polygons = osm_points[osm_polygons, ] # mapview::mapview(osm_points_in_polygons) osm_points_not_in_polygons = osm_points[!osm_points$osm_id %in% osm_points_in_polygons$osm_id,] osm_polygons_centroids = sf::st_centroid(osm_polygons) # convert polygons to points and join together # setdiff(names(osm_points), names(osm_polygons_centroids)) names_in_both = intersect(names(osm_points), names(osm_polygons_centroids)) osm_points = rbind(osm_points_not_in_polygons[names_in_both], osm_polygons_centroids[names_in_both]) } osm_points } ``` ] .pull-right[ ```r schools_combined = osm_combine( osm_points = schools_nz_osm$osm_points, osm_polygons = schools_nz_subset ) ``` ``` ## Warning in st_centroid.sf(osm_polygons): ## st_centroid assumes attributes are constant over ## geometries of x ``` ```r nrow(schools_combined) / nrow(schools_nz_subset) ``` ``` ## [1] 1.078594 ``` ] ## Exercise Use the example code above to get and clean data representing all supermarkets in New Zealand --- # Getting data from New Zealand IV ```r library(osmextract) ``` ```r place_name = "isle of wight" # place_name = "new zealand" # warning: downloads ~1/4 GB compressed OSM data! et = c("amenity") q_points = "SELECT * FROM points WHERE amenity IN ('school')" oe_school_points = oe_get(place_name, query = q_points, extra_tags = et) ``` ``` ## The input place was matched with: Isle of Wight ``` ``` ## Warning: The query selected a layer which is ## different from layer argument. We will replace the ## layer argument. ``` ``` ## File downloaded! ``` ``` ## Start with the vectortranslate operations on the input file! ``` ``` ## 0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done. ``` ``` ## Finished the vectortranslate operations on the input file! ``` ``` ## Reading layer `points' from data source ## `/tmp/Rtmp1E7844/geofabrik_isle-of-wight-latest.gpkg' ## using driver `GPKG' ## Simple feature collection with 5 features and 11 fields ## Geometry type: POINT ## Dimension: XY ## Bounding box: xmin: -1.304616 ymin: 50.69791 xmax: -1.167812 ymax: 50.7524 ## Geodetic CRS: WGS 84 ``` --- # National OSM datasets ```r mapview::mapview(oe_school_points) ```  --- # Filtering ```r library(tidyverse) nz_north = nz %>% filter(Island == "North") plot(nz$geom) plot(nz_north, add = TRUE, col = "red") ``` ``` ## Warning in plot.sf(nz_north, add = TRUE, col = ## "red"): ignoring all but the first attribute ``` <!-- --> --- # Mutating ```r nz_density = nz %>% mutate(Density = Population / Land_area) nz_density %>% select(Density) %>% plot() ``` <!-- --> --- # Geographic joins ```r schools_nz_polygons_centroids = sf::st_centroid(schools_nz_polygons) ``` ``` ## Warning in st_centroid.sf(schools_nz_polygons): ## st_centroid assumes attributes are constant over ## geometries of x ``` ```r ncol(schools_nz_polygons_centroids) ``` ``` ## [1] 81 ``` ```r schools_nz_polygons_joined = sf::st_join( schools_nz_polygons_centroids, nz_lonlat %>% select(Name) ) ncol(schools_nz_polygons_joined) ``` ``` ## [1] 82 ``` --- # Geometric operations ```r nz_simple = rmapshaper::ms_simplify(nz, keep = 0.02) nz_buffer = sf::st_buffer(sf::st_union(nz), dist = 22000) plot(sf::st_geometry(nz_simple)) plot(sf::st_geometry(nz_buffer)) plot(nz, add = TRUE) ```  --- # Geometry exercises .left-column[ See Attempt the exercises ] .right-column[  ] --- # Excersises ### Based on what you have learned in this workshop find and download data that interests you in an area of the world you are researching or are familiar with ```r gzones = osmextract::geofabrik_zones gzones_france = gzones %>% filter(parent == "france") gzones_france$name ``` ``` ## [1] "Alsace" ## [2] "Aquitaine" ## [3] "Auvergne" ## [4] "Basse-Normandie" ## [5] "Bourgogne" ## [6] "Bretagne" ## [7] "Centre" ## [8] "Champagne Ardenne" ## [9] "Corse" ## [10] "Franche Comte" ## [11] "Guadeloupe" ## [12] "Guyane" ## [13] "Haute-Normandie" ## [14] "Ile-de-France" ## [15] "Languedoc-Roussillon" ## [16] "Limousin" ## [17] "Lorraine" ## [18] "Martinique" ## [19] "Mayotte" ## [20] "Midi-Pyrenees" ## [21] "Nord-Pas-de-Calais" ## [22] "Pays de la Loire" ## [23] "Picardie" ## [24] "Poitou-Charentes" ## [25] "Provence Alpes-Cote-d'Azur" ## [26] "Reunion" ## [27] "Rhone-Alpes" ```