Comparision of the original input palette and simulations of color vision deficiencies - deuteranopia, protanopia, and tritanopia.

  tolerance = NULL,
  plot = FALSE,
  bivariate = FALSE,
  severity = 1,



A vector of hexadecimal color descriptions


The minimal value of acceptable difference between the colors to distinguish between them. As the default, minimal distance between colors in the original input palette is given.


If TRUE, display a plot comparing the original input palette and simulations of color vision deficiencies - deuteranopia, protanopia, and tritanopia


If TRUE (and plot = TRUE), display a bivariate plot (plot where colors are located in columns and rows) comparing the original input palette and simulations of color vision deficiencies - deuteranopia, protanopia, and tritanopia


Severity of the color vision defect, a number between 0 and 1


Other arguments passed on to palette_dist() to control the color metric


A data.frame with 4 observations and 8 variables:

  • name: orginal input color palette (normal), deuteranopia, protanopia, and tritanopia

  • n: number of colors

  • tolerance: minimal value of acceptable difference between the colors to distinguish between them

  • ncp: number of color pairs

  • ndcp: number of differentiable color pairs (color pairs with distances above the tolerance value)

  • min_dist: minimal distance between colors

  • mean_dist: average distance between colors

  • max_dist: maximal distance between colors

Additionally, a plot comparing the original input palette and simulations of color vision deficiencies - deuteranopia, protanopia, and tritanopia can be shown.


rainbow_pal = rainbow(n = 7)
#> [1] "#FF0000" "#FFDB00" "#49FF00" "#00FF92" "#0092FF" "#4900FF" "#FF00DB"
palette_check(rainbow_pal, plot = TRUE)

#>           name n tolerance ncp ndcp  min_dist mean_dist  max_dist
#> 1       normal 7  12.13226  21   21 12.132257  61.06471 107.63470
#> 2 deuteranopia 7  12.13226  21   19  2.572062  44.29065  85.87461
#> 3   protanopia 7  12.13226  21   17  3.647681  47.63882  83.28286
#> 4   tritanopia 7  12.13226  21   20  2.025647  47.41585  83.77189

x = rcartocolor::carto_pal(11, "Vivid")
#>           name  n tolerance ncp ndcp  min_dist mean_dist max_dist
#> 1       normal 11  12.84607  55   55 12.846069  40.02555 77.24506
#> 2 deuteranopia 11  12.84607  55   44  3.746439  29.90801 60.27005
#> 3   protanopia 11  12.84607  55   46  2.760351  30.25902 63.13637
#> 4   tritanopia 11  12.84607  55   47  6.571998  34.97722 70.26305
palette_check(x, plot = TRUE)

#>           name  n tolerance ncp ndcp  min_dist mean_dist max_dist
#> 1       normal 11  12.84607  55   55 12.846069  40.02555 77.24506
#> 2 deuteranopia 11  12.84607  55   44  3.746439  29.90801 60.27005
#> 3   protanopia 11  12.84607  55   46  2.760351  30.25902 63.13637
#> 4   tritanopia 11  12.84607  55   47  6.571998  34.97722 70.26305
palette_check(x, tolerance = 1)
#>           name  n tolerance ncp ndcp  min_dist mean_dist max_dist
#> 1       normal 11         1  55   55 12.846069  40.02555 77.24506
#> 2 deuteranopia 11         1  55   55  3.746439  29.90801 60.27005
#> 3   protanopia 11         1  55   55  2.760351  30.25902 63.13637
#> 4   tritanopia 11         1  55   55  6.571998  34.97722 70.26305
palette_check(x, tolerance = 10, metric = 1976)
#>           name  n tolerance ncp ndcp  min_dist mean_dist  max_dist
#> 1       normal 11        10  55   55 12.846069  40.02555  77.24506
#> 2 deuteranopia 11        10  55   51  4.993172  53.81809 112.91085
#> 3   protanopia 11        10  55   50  3.518865  54.47734 115.19857
#> 4   tritanopia 11        10  55   55 13.292920  52.88886 115.96152
palette_check(x, plot = TRUE, severity = 0.5)

#>           name  n tolerance ncp ndcp  min_dist mean_dist max_dist
#> 1       normal 11  12.84607  55   55 12.846069  40.02555 77.24506
#> 2 deuteranopia 11  12.84607  55   50  6.103704  32.82212 64.36700
#> 3   protanopia 11  12.84607  55   50  7.784385  33.23662 66.63678
#> 4   tritanopia 11  12.84607  55   54 12.257169  36.58599 64.40300

y = rcartocolor::carto_pal(4, "Sunset")
palette_check(y, plot = TRUE, bivariate = TRUE, severity = 0.5)

#>           name n tolerance ncp ndcp min_dist mean_dist max_dist
#> 1       normal 4  28.27696   6    6 28.27696  42.88452 67.75598
#> 2 deuteranopia 4  28.27696   6    5 14.45979  39.20407 65.55729
#> 3   protanopia 4  28.27696   6    4 17.35196  39.44005 64.27717
#> 4   tritanopia 4  28.27696   6    4 22.10219  37.92613 58.17007