R packages
supercells: Creates superpixels based on input spatial data; this package works on spatial data with one variable (e.g., continuous raster), many variables (e.g., RGB rasters), and spatial patterns (e.g., areas in categorical rasters)
sabre: Calculates a degree of spatial association between regionalizations or categorical maps using the information-theoretical V-measure
motif: Enables spatial analysis such as search, change detection, and clustering to be performed on spatial patterns
landscapemetrics: Calculates landscape metrics of categorical map patterns
vectormetrics: Calculates landscape and shape metrics for vector layers (polygons and multipolygons)
landscapetools: Provides utility functions for some of the less-glamorous tasks involved in landscape analysis
belg: Calculates the Boltzmann entropy of a landscape gradient
bespatial: Calculates several entropy metrics for spatial data inspired by Boltzmann’s entropy formula
comat: Creates co-occurrence matrices based on spatial data
regional: Calculates intra-regional and inter-regional similarities based on user-provided spatial vector objects (regions) and spatial raster objects (cells with values)
spatialising: Performs simulations of binary spatial raster data using the Ising model
patternogram: Quantifies the spatial autocorrelation of values from a set of points or a raster object
spatialexplain: Provides model agnostic tools for exploring and explaining spatial machine learning models.
simsam: Provides tools for simulating and sampling spatial data. It additionally has tools for creating various spatial proxies.
raceland: Pattern-based, zoneless method for analysis and visualization of racial topography
waterquality: Detects and quantifies water quality and cyanobacterial harmful algal bloom (CHABs) from remotely sensed imagery
reedsolomon: Applying the Reed-Solomon algorithm on remote sensing data
rgeopat2: Additional functions for ‘GeoPAT’ 2
spData: Datasets for spatial analysis
climate: An interface for downloading in-situ meteorological (and hydrological) dataset
rgugik: An interface for downloading datasets from Polish Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography
popgrids: Global dataset of gridded population and GDP (1980-2010 estimations and 2020-2100 scenarios)
geostatbook: Datasets used in the Geostatistics with R book
rcartocolor: An implementation of the CARTOcolor palettes in R
colorblindcheck: Tools helping to decide if a color palette is colorblind friendly
pollen: Tools for working with aerobiological data
The geocompx website: geocompx hosts free resources on reproducible geographic data analysis, modelling and visualization with open source software
CRAN Task View: Analysis of Spatial Data: a guidance on which packages on CRAN are relevant for spatial data analysis
Country-level Land Cover: Country-level Land Cover is a database containing land cover categories, transitions, and gross changes on a country level for years between 1992 and 2015
GeoPAT 2: GeoPAT 2 - a suite of modules dedicated to analysis of large datasets in their entirety using spatial and/or temporal patterns
OpenGeoHub Summer School Poznan 2023: Summer School 2023: “Processing and visualizing large geospatial data using R, Python and Julia
GIScience 2021: GIScience 2021 - 11th International Conference on Geographic Information Science. Poznań, Poland
The distortion of the Mercator projection: A repository containing an R code and animations showing area distortions of the Mercator projection
Alternative layout for maps of the United States: A repository containing an R code and spatial data to create an inset map of the USA, which shows all the states and ensures relative sizes are preserved
Alternative layout for maps of Spain: A repository containing an R code and spatial data to create an inset map of Spain, which includes the Canary Islands and ensures that relative sizes are preserved
The 2020 Environmental Performance Index (EPI): The 2020 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) provides a data-driven summary of the state of sustainability around the world. You can compare countries and get a summary of each of them
Template for writing a PhD thesis in Markdown: Template for writing a PhD thesis in Markdown, a super-friendly plain text format. Using Pandoc, the Markdown can be easily converted to popular formats such as LATEX, PDF, MS Word, HTML, etc.
Discovering good data packages: The state Of data on CRAN: discovering good data packages