R User Group, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Computational geographer: intersection between geocomputation and environmental sciences
Associate Professor at the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan; Visiting Scientist, University of Münster
Main scientific interest: spatial pattern analysis, focusing on quantifying and understanding patterns in environmental data
Co-author of a few books on geocomputation and spatial analysis with R and Python, including “Geocomputation with R”
Creator and contributor of various R packages for spatial data processing and visualization
Educator, teaching courses on geocomputation, spatial analysis, programming, and data visualization
Website: jakubnowosad.com
R has a long history of supporting spatial data processing, analysis, and visualization
Spatial visualization packages include:
Website: https://r-tmap.github.io/tmap/
Other features:
and tm_raster()
) or modes, e.g., "deck"
{leafgl}: https://r-spatial.github.io/leafgl/
Allows rendering large datasets (millions of objects) on Leaflet maps by utilizing WebGL technology
{mapgl}: https://walker-data.com/mapgl/
An interface to Mapbox GL JS (API key required) and Maplibre GL JS (no API key required).
Provides support to various map layers (including rasters and heatmaps); allows to create story maps.
A lot of R-spatial tools and resources are available1: books, websites, and courses…
…but do not forget that making maps is also an art!