The goal of patternogram is to quantify the spatial autocorrelation of values from a set of points or a raster object. It does this by calculating the dissimilarity between pairs of points at different distances, and then grouping these dissimilarity estimates into distance intervals to create a patternogram. The patternogram can be used to identify the spatial scale at which the pattern of the points or raster changes and to compare the patterns of different sets of points or rasters.


You can install the development version of patternogram from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


#> terra 1.7.44
r = rast(system.file("ex/elev.tif", package = "terra"))

pr = patternogram(r)
#> # A tibble: 15 × 3
#>       np  dist dissimilarity
#>  * <int> <dbl>         <dbl>
#>  1   105  2300          37.6
#>  2   328  6895          54.0
#>  3   474 11495          60.7
#>  4   552 16100          66.5
#>  5   583 20700          81.4
#>  6   568 25300          76.8
#>  7   526 29900          82.7
#>  8   490 34500          95.2
#>  9   405 39100         107. 
#> 10   326 43700         126. 
#> 11   234 48300         141. 
#> 12   172 52900         152. 
#> 13    81 57450         160. 
#> 14    57 62000         164. 
#> 15    28 66600         180.


Take a look at a conference presentation:

  1. Exploring spatial autocorrelation and variable importance in machine learning models using patternograms, 2023-09-06, European Conference of Ecological Modelling 2023, Leipzig - slides


Contributions to this package are welcome - let us know if you have any suggestions or spotted a bug. The preferred method of contribution is through a GitHub pull request. Feel also free to contact us by creating an issue.