The supercells() function
Jakub Nowosad
The main function in this package (Nowosad and
Stepinski 2022) is called supercells()
. An overview
of its arguments is shown in the table below.
This function expects raster data with one or more layers
(representing, for example, different bands, variables, or dates) in the
form of a terra’s SpatRaster
object or a
stars’s stars
object. The resulting
superpixels are stored as sf
polygons with four or more
columns containing identification numbers of superpixels, y and x
coordinates of their centroids, and one or more columns with average
values of variables for each superpixel.
The number of resulting superpixels can be specified with either
or step
arguments. k
relates to
the desired number of superpixels. When the k
value is set,
the algorithm automatically calculates the value of step
As, by default, cluster centroids are located regularly, the resulting
number of superpixels may slightly differ from the number provided as
, e.g., a square raster cannot be divided into five equal
square areas. step
is the expected distance, in the number
of cells, between initial superpixels’ centroids. This parameter also
defines a zone of influence of each cluster center
In our software, it is also possible to provide a set of points (an
object) as k
together with the
value. This way, custom cluster centers are used, with
each of them attracting cells in the surrounding
While k
or step
determines the number of
superpixels, the compactness
argument controls their
spatial shape, with its large value giving more importance to spatial
distances between cells and superpixels’ centers and its smaller value
putting more weight (importance) to the value distance. The impact of
the compactness value depends on the range of input cell values and the
selected distance measure.
argument | description |
x |
An object of class SpatRaster (terra) or class stars (stars) |
k |
A number of superpixels desired by the user. It is also possible to provide a set of points (an sf object) as k together with the step value to create custom cluster centers |
compactness |
A compactness value. Larger values cause clusters to be more compact/even (squarish) |
dist_fun |
A distance function used |
avg_fun |
An averaging function specifying how the values of the superpixels’ centers are recalculated |
clean |
A boolean specifying if the additional process of connectivity enforcement should be performed |
iter |
A number of iterations performed to create the final output |
step |
A distance, in the number of cells, between initial superpixels’ centers |
minarea |
A minimal size of the output superpixels in cells |
chunks |
A boolean or numeric value specifying if the input (x) should be split into chunks before deriving superpixels |
future |
A boolean specifying if the future package should be used for parallelization of the calculations |
verbose |
An integer specifying the verboseness of text messages printed during calculations |
By default, the supercells
function behaves accordingly
to the original algorithm described by Achanta et
al. (2012) with Euclidean distance used to calculate the distance
between values, and the arithmetic mean used to calculate an average
value of each superpixel. However, in this package, both of the above
parameters can be customized with the dist_fun
The role of the dist_fun
argument is to specify the
distance function used to obtain the distance between values. It can be
done with one of three mechanisms. The first is to use one of internal
C++ functions, such as "euclidean"
, "jsd"
Jensen-Shannon distance, Lin (1991)), and
(dynamic time warping). The second mechanism allows
selecting one of 46 distance and similarity measures implemented in the
R package philentropy
2018). Thirdly, this argument also accepts any user-defined R
function that returns one value based on provided two vectors.
The avg_fun
function, on the other hand, specifies how
the values of the superpixels’ centers are calculated. It has two
internal functions implemented in C++ - "mean"
, but also accepts any fitting R function such as,
or psych::geometric.mean()
. This
also allows providing any other user-defined R function that returns one
value based on an R vector. For example, the "median"
function can be used when our input data is categorical.
Due to its simplicity, the SLIC algorithm does not consider spatial
connectivity directly. For example, it makes it possible to create a
superpixel consisting of two or more distinct patches, where one patch
is large while additional ones are distinctly smaller. The
function has two arguments, clean
and minarea
, allowing to enforce connectivity of the
superpixels. The first argument, clean
, is a boolean
by default) specifying if the connectivity should be
enforced by removing small disconnected patches (by merging with larger
neighborhood ones) or promoting small patches to new superpixels. The
role of the second one, minarea
, is to control how large
disconnected patches must be not be removed. By default, when
clean = TRUE
, an average area
is calculated automatically based on the total number of cells divided
by a number of superpixels, and next, the minimal size of a superpixel
Alternatively, users can also specify the minimum size of a superpixel
by themselves by providing an area in the unit of a number of cells in
the minarea
The next argument is iter
- specifying the number of
iterations to create the output. Its default value of 10 follows the
advice by Achanta et al. (2012) This
argument defines how many times superpixels (and their centers) are
recalculated before obtaining the final results.
By default, the supercells
function, as R language, is
single-threaded – runs only on a single thread on the CPU and reads the
input raster values into the computer memory. These features may limit
the function’s usability for raster datasets with millions or more cells
and many variables, for which calculations can either be too slow or
require more memory that is available. To overcome the aforementioned
issues, the supercells
function has two related optional
arguments - chunks
and future
The chunks
argument is set by default to
. However, when it is either TRUE
or some
numerical value, then the split, apply, combine procedure is used: input
raster is divided into several chunks, each chunk is read into RAM
independently and has a set of superpixels derived; this process is
repeated for every chunk, and all the results are combined into one
final object. When the user sets this argument to TRUE
, the
chunks’ sizes are calculated automatically, while when the user provides
a numerical value to this argument, then the input raster data is split
into chunks with user-defined side length (in the number of pixels). The
argument is also set by default to
. If it is TRUE
, the user also needs to
specify how parallel processing should be performed and on how many CPU
threads with future::plan()
The final argument is called verbose
, which takes an
integer value of 0 or larger, where 0 means no additional messages
during the calculations, and 1 provides basic messages about the current
calculation stage.