Superpixels of an RGB raster
Jakub Nowosad
Superpixels is a collection of segmentation concepts of grouping pixels with similar characteristics. It is often used in computer vision to delineate parts of RGB images that are more meaningful and easier to analyze. When applied to RGB images, each superpixel contains similar colors that also could represent real-world objects. A large number of methods for creating superpixels were developed in the last decades, with the SLIC algorithm (Achanta et al. (2012), doi:10.1109/TPAMI.2012.120) being the most prominent.
The supercells package aims to utilize the concept of superpixels to a variety of spatial data. This package works on spatial data with one variable (e.g., continuous raster), many variables (e.g., RGB rasters), and spatial patterns (e.g., areas in categorical rasters). Therefore, it enables not only to find areas that look similar on an RGB (satellite) image, but also to regionalize areas with comparable values of one or more variables.
This vignette shows how to use the supercells package on an RGB raster dataset. To reproduce the following results on your own computer, install and attach the packages:
library(supercells) # superpixels for spatial data
library(terra) # spatial raster data reading and handling
library(sf) # spatial vector data reading and handling
The first step is to read the input data. This time our input data
, included in the supercells
package, contains three layers representing red, green, and blue
satellite bands1.
ortho = rast(system.file("raster/ortho.tif", package = "supercells"))
The supercells()
function will be used to delineate
areas with similar colors - they could potentially represent the same
objects (e.g., buildings) or land covers (e.g., grasses). For an RGB
image we can use one additional argument called
transform = "to_LAB"
. This means that internal calculation
will be done on the LAB color space instead on the RGB input one.
ortho_slic1 = supercells(ortho, k = 2000, compactness = 10,
transform = "to_LAB")
The ortho_slic1
output is an sf
where each row stores superpixels id (supercells
coordinates of the superpixels’ centroids (x
), and an average of all of the input variables (red,
green, and blue colors).
This allows us to create two types of visualizations. The first one is just an overlay of the superpixels borders on top of the original RGB image.
plot(st_geometry(ortho_slic1), add = TRUE)
The second visualization type requires converting the average RGB values into their hexadecimal representation first.
rgb_to_hex = function(x){
apply(t(x), 2, function(x) rgb(x[1], x[2], x[3], maxColorValue = 255))
avg_colors = rgb_to_hex(st_drop_geometry(ortho_slic1[4:6]))
Next, we can plot each superpixel with its average color, but without the border lines:
plot(st_geometry(ortho_slic1), border = NA, col = avg_colors)
Note that the above visualization is not an image - it is a set of colored superpixels. Therefore, instead of representing this area by 87,600 cells, we are using (just) 1,675 superpixels.
The ortho_slic1
object can be next use for clustering
similar objects or labeling them.